Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Patients, start your infusions!

Arrangements are in place to start infusion in early December. The sessions are on two successive days. The length of time it takes for each depends entirely on how well I tolerate it. In essence, if there are few side effects, they will increase the flow rate until the side effects are moderate. If the side effects are severe, they will slow the flow rate.

Having done this previously, I expect the process to take most of the day, that is, 5-6 hours. I plan to take a laptop and entertain myself as well as I can when I’m feverish, nauseous, et al.

I opted to get started before Christmas as the sooner I start, the sooner I finish! I’d love to have this process done and full recovery made before vacation season.


  1. Well alrighty. Keep up the positivity!

  2. I'm right here..You in our thoughts . Dennis and I rooting you on!!..does sound rough though xoxo
