Monday, January 13, 2020

A visit to the Doc

Following each round of my treatment, I am scheduled to visit with Dr. Hema5 to assess my progress and address any issues. I saw him today.

He reviewed my last treatments and asked for my report of the failed administration of rituxan and any side-effects I've suffered. While I have been experiencing moderate side-effects, none are as severe as those suffered after round one; those that drove me to the emergency room and to the hospital.

Dr. Hema5 outlined three options. The option he recommended and the one I prefer, is to continue with bendamustine alone. I inquired as the the effectiveness of bendamustine alone compared to the usual combination of bendamustine and rituxan. He reported that there has never been a head-to-head comparison made and so the result is unknown.

After some discussion, we agreed to continue with bendamustine alone. I report for round three early next month. I feel very happy that we have a solid plan to move forward. Off I step into the unknown!


  1. Solid plan makes a HUGE difference...My Onco Dr gave me info then it was up to me..when I(finally) made up my mind, She said Good...14 years ago..

  2. Great! Hopefully it will work perfectly

    Love you!
