Monday, January 13, 2020

A visit to the Doc

Following each round of my treatment, I am scheduled to visit with Dr. Hema5 to assess my progress and address any issues. I saw him today.

He reviewed my last treatments and asked for my report of the failed administration of rituxan and any side-effects I've suffered. While I have been experiencing moderate side-effects, none are as severe as those suffered after round one; those that drove me to the emergency room and to the hospital.

Dr. Hema5 outlined three options. The option he recommended and the one I prefer, is to continue with bendamustine alone. I inquired as the the effectiveness of bendamustine alone compared to the usual combination of bendamustine and rituxan. He reported that there has never been a head-to-head comparison made and so the result is unknown.

After some discussion, we agreed to continue with bendamustine alone. I report for round three early next month. I feel very happy that we have a solid plan to move forward. Off I step into the unknown!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Save Bill!

Yesterday's disaster was infusion of rituxan, a drug for which I have twice had very bad reactions. Today's quick and easy infusion was a different drug, bendamustine. It went perfectly smoothly and was done in about an hour! As always, my vital signs were taken after the infusion. My pulse was a bit elevated and my blood pressure a bit low, but I felt fine. I was released!

I felt so good that we celebrated with a fine Italian meal at a nearby local restaurant.

I intend to ask Dr. Hema5 to be taken off of rituxan at my visit next week.

Kill Bill

I undertook my next series of chemotherapy yesterday. It was a disaster.

When, after getting infused with saline and taking oral medications, they began the rituxan, I began to have blurry vision and felt very faint, as if I were about to pass out. We rang the call button and Nurse K appeared. She took my blood pressure and found it an alarming 80/42! She stopped the rituxan and two more nurses appeared. I assume, in a condition like this, three heads are better than one.

Doctor Hema5 was telephoned who evidently suggested that I be given an opportunity to recover and, that, after a period of time, the rituxan be restarted.

My Adorable Wife had packed a lunch for us, a bit healthier than the usual snacks offered at the infusion room that are high in salt and low in actual useful nutrition. When she offered lunch, I could barely choke down two bites.

In the early afternoon, the rituxan was restarted and the symptoms re-emerged rather soon. New symptoms appeared, as well; chill, shivering and nausea. They supplied me with these cute little bags of which I took full advantage.

In view of all this, it was decided to cease the rituxan. I am disappointed because my treatment is not moving forward smoothly. I report again today and I will, of course, be fascinated to see the result.

When we finally arrived home at about 6:15 pm, I laid on my bed fully clothed to nap a bit. I awoke at about 7:30 am! After a 13 hour nap I feel much better.