Thursday, December 1, 2022

 I had my usual round of blood tests last Friday. The salient result is IgM which was reported at 1608. That is approximately 14% higher than than three months earlier. The normal range is 45-281.

My doctors have often suggested watchful waiting as my symptoms deteriorate. The reasons are two; first, the fewer rounds of treatment that a patient undertakes in a lifetime means greater comfort, away from the intravenous needles and chemicals.

The second reason is that new drugs are being developed every year. Don’t start the second-best therapy today when a much better therapy may be available tomorrow.

In my case, there is a better therapy available and Dr. Hema5 has prescribed an oral medication, taken twice a day. That certainly is preferable to day after day of intravenous treatments that invariably, at least in my case, have very unpleasant side effects.

I start the new medication this Friday. I will continue to have quarterly blood tests and expect to see my IgM number decline.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Blood Test Thursday

Waldenstroms, also known as my little lymphoma, is characterized as ‘smoldering;’ that is, the disease progresses slowly, and, in some cases, it plateaus or doesn’t progress at all.

Because of this smoldering nature, Dr. Hema5 prescribes blood tests quarterly and in-person visits semi-annually. I reported for regularly scheduled blood tests a few days ago. I have reviewed the protein immunoglobulin M (IgM) reading and it has risen to 1199.

IgM is the primary indicator of battling cancer cells in the body affected by Waldenstroms.

For reference, here is a brief history; the reference range is 45.0 mg/dL - 281.0 mg/dL:

4/15/2020 After session 4 of chemo: 265 i.e. within normal limits

7/30/2020 384 up 11910/19/2020 426 up 42

1/19/2021 Prior to office visit 453 up 27

5/3/2021 489 up 36 

7/21/2021 635 up 146

1/17/2022 873 up 238

5/18/2022 1199 up 326

Some tests were postponed or omitted during Covid-19.

As the untrained eye can see, it is increasing at an increasing rate. The smoldering embers are starting to look like fire.

While I am a bit cautious, I am certainly not yet alarmed. When I last needed chemo, it had risen to about 2300 and I felt terrible.

Today, at 1199, I feel fine. My appetite and energy are fine and I have no complaints at all.

I next see Dr. Hema5 in August and I’ll be very interested to see the result.