Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Save Bill!

Yesterday's disaster was infusion of rituxan, a drug for which I have twice had very bad reactions. Today's quick and easy infusion was a different drug, bendamustine. It went perfectly smoothly and was done in about an hour! As always, my vital signs were taken after the infusion. My pulse was a bit elevated and my blood pressure a bit low, but I felt fine. I was released!

I felt so good that we celebrated with a fine Italian meal at a nearby local restaurant.

I intend to ask Dr. Hema5 to be taken off of rituxan at my visit next week.


  1. So sorry about the rituxan! I hope Dr. Hema5 will continue with the other one as it seems to be better for you.

    Love you bunches!
    Meemaw & Hubby

  2. So glad to know that You did better on this infusion!! YEA!!!!!
