Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Beware the Infusions of March.

With apologies to Willy Shake.

On the first two weekdays of March, I appeared at the infusion room for my periodic poisioning, politely referred to by the professionals as chemotherapy. This was the fourth session of six.

On both days, my appointments were at roughly 10:00 am. On both days, the entire process, from check-in to check-out, was just about two hours!

On both days, so far, fingers crossed, I have had no side-effects at all! I am very glad to report this and very sorry to not have a more interesting report for you all.

I report to Dr. Hema5 a few days before every infusion session. At each visit, my blood is tested to judge my general health and suitability for continuing infusions and, as well, to judge my overall progress. I have access to my results and the news is quite good. Immunoglobulin M is the first antibody to appear in the response to initial exposure to an infection. In my case, the relevent infection is cancer.

I have been very encouraged by the trend. The reference range, that is, the range that our doctors consider acceptable and not remarkable is 45.0 mg/dL to 281.0 mg/dL. I've noted my recent history and the progression is:

10/22/2019 Before treatment 2285
11/8 Before treatment            2093
12/23 After session 1               926
1/13/2020 After session 2        757
1/30 After session 2                 485
2/27 After session 3                 364

Wow! I am getting very close to normal, that is, as normal as a Waldenstrom's patient can reasonably expect to get!

Woo hoo!

I will report more as I have news.


  1. Fraking Wonderful! (As far as poisoning goes)

  2. Well finally some very good news, so happy for you both. love nancy
