Friday, April 24, 2020

Chemo is finished!

In my last post, I reported that my doctor was pleased with my progress and wanted another blood test in order to judge the next steps. I had the test on April 15, My Beloved Wife's birthday, also tax day and, all around, a day for giving till it hurts!

My Immunoglobulin M number was reported at 265; that is, within normal limits. A few days later, my doctor said, electronically, "My recommendation and advice is that we are done with treatment." I will return to quarterly followups with the doctor.

That is wonderful news! My health and energy level certainly agree with this conclusion. I feel very well, indeed.

After the first occurance of this illness, chemotherapy gave me about ten years of symptom-free living and so I have high hopes that this will be the outcome of my most recent rounds of chemo. I hope to enjoy my life to the fullest.

Now if the virus would go away, we'd be all set!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Congratulations! We’re so happy for you, and love you a lot! We’re hoping you stay symptom-free and “number-low” for a long time!!

    Meemaw & Hubby
