Friday, April 10, 2020

Chemo postponed

When the COVID-19 crisis erupted, my appointments for chemo were postponed. I assume that skilled medical providers are required for virus cases; certainly more dire than mine. I also assume that I was postponed because I have been making very good progress and that I would most likely be well whether my chemo infusions were carried out one month or three months or even six months from now. I also assume that there are other patients who are not so lucky and that chemo was carried on because to not continue promptly might mean a dangerous regression in their illness.

Today, Dr. Hema5, working from home and distancing himself from danger, telephoned me to discuss my progress. He agreed that my progress has been very good and that my numbers have improved remarkably. After discussion, we agreed to postpone chemo until after I have visited with him in person in June or July. We also agreed that I would have a blood test next week.

If the numbers from next weeks blood test continue to show the improvement that I listed in my just previous post, I think there is at least a small possibility that further treatments will not be required! Fingers crossed!

I feel very fine indeed. I am back to my regular exercise routine. I have picked up my camera and am photographing whatever I can safely find in COVIDfinement. I am thinking once again about vacation season out west.

Please stay safe, dear friends. I look forward to an early opportunity to see you happy and well.