Monday, December 9, 2019

Infusion Day 1...

...of a trillion. Like our federal govenment, I only think in trillions.

We arrived at the location nearest Big City that does infusions that is nearest our retirement cabin out here in the woods. We were asked to select a suitable infusion alcove. Each alcove contains the usual recliner, a guest chair, infusion pumps, counters and a sink! This is a big change from my last experience with infusion. The last time, there was one big room with 15-18 recliners, each with a guest chair adjacent. Today we got an alcove.

Nurse R met with us and carefully explained everything and proceeded with the infusions. I was given various preparatory medications mostly intravenously, but a few were administered orally.

Finally, after about noon, we got to the good stuff! As I have previously mentioned, the infusion is started at a very slow rate of flow and increased until side effects appear. In my case, side effects amounting to a red face and a slight fever, appeared at about 87% of the hoped for maximum flow. I had tolerated the infusion well at 75% and so, after consultations with the doctors and a nurse huddle, infusion was stopped until the redness subsided and the fever dropped. That took 15 minutes or so, during which I was up walking around, glad to be untethered and checking out the available free snacks!

Infusion was restarted and then finished at 75%. Aside from being tired after a long day, I feel very fine. If this is the extent of side effects, this process will be a relative breeze. However, just one swallow does not a summer make (thanks, Aristotle!), one infusion may not set a trend or set a precedent. Perhaps more side effects are coming. I hope not.

So far, so good!

I appreciate the calls and emails and FaceTimes from all of you. You words of encouragement lift my spirits greatly. I appreciate them!


  1. So thankful that the side effects are minimal so far! Prayers that the trend continues throughout your total time!

    Love you bunches!

  2. That’s a good first day!
    If you had to choose: 1 day of infusion, or a 3-day insurance seminar, which would it be?
