Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In the treatment room...

...and right back out again.

We have been keeping a log of my symptoms and, especially, temperatures. I have had a temperature, sometimes as high as 103.6, since the last infusion! My adorable wife, the little over-achiever that she is, typed it up and printed it out for Dr. Hema's perusal. I went to the treatment room and Nurse P took the usual blood samples. Then she asked me to follow her to an examining room where Dr. Hema appeared and said he was unlikely, based on my log, to administer a rituxan infusion. He asked me to walk down the hall and get a chest x-ray. Since these are all digital these days, The results were available before I got back to Dr. Hema!

He said that nobody, either in his practice, or on the internet, where doctors exchange information world-wide, has flu symptoms for a full week after infusion. He is therefor understandably cautious.

He is referring me to an infectious disease specialist to try to find out what's going on.

While disappointing, I don't want to take unnecessary chances with my already fragile health.

So we are back home after a big breakfast out. One of the unexpected symptoms is that things taste different. I took one bite of white toast with butter and dropped it. It tasted awful. Oreo cookies, for some reason, have changed from 'yummy' to 'yuck.'


  1. I'm sorry you are feeling so crummy. I hope you feel better before the Cape trip!

    I wonder if things you didn't like before would taste good now?

    I will call you tomorrow when we get home and remember I love you!!

  2. Hey SD,

    Sorry to hear that you were feeling so lousy that you could not have the treatment.

    I wish the food would taste good to you so that you keep up your strength. Do you think a milk shake would taste good? I know it taste to good to me.

    Wish there was something I could do to help. I know that you are well taken care of by my dear friend Miss Sylvie.

    Love, Dyanne xoxo

  3. We wish you a speedy recovery from those flu like symptoms. Is it possible you have the flu? I guess you'll find out soon enough. Yet another doctor to add to your list. I can't wait to hear what your nickname for him will be! Feel better!
    Irene and Len
